
The content in this website is the entirety of my undergraduate honors thesis, composed of two parts: my poetry collection, Apostrophe, and my paper reflecting on it.
It traverses the emotional landscapes of my experiences as a sexual assault survivor and hopes to begin bridging the gap in understanding left behind by quantitative research focused on statistics and data and to be a source of hope for those with similar experiences. There remains much research to be done in order to establish unequivocally the occurrence of sexual assault and to advocate for better access to support and for more empathetic understanding toward survivors. This thesis adds to that small volume of research in a qualitative, autoethnographic pursuit, exploring my personal identity as a sexual assault survivor using poetic writing and reflection.
01/*The Beginning of the End
02/Niccolo M.
03/The Illusion of Choice
05/Blood stained rose
06/Symphony of Pity
07/Hard water
08/Tuesday’s Coup de Main
09/Your Poetic Exorcism
10/Sand Art
12/The Good Governor Theory
13/Bad Science
14/Impending Impact
15/Merry Meadows
17/Qui vivra verra
18/Google Grammar Suggestions
19/Modal Verbs and Contractions